Tag Archives: New Life on the Road

Traveling Family Stories of Appreciation

When we first started our trip, our mission was to “appreciate each other, our world and ourselves“. For this post, I asked other traveling families to share their stories of appreciation. The traveling families we have gotten to know on our journey inspire us everyday to be better travelers and stronger parents. These families include those on bikes, single parents, those with terminally ill children and, like today’s post, those who have chosen to give up a house for a home on wheels. Interestingly, both these on-the-road families are in Australia and New Zealand.

Lauren Fisher, David and their four daughters travel around New Zealand in a modified 80 square meter horse truck. When in Australia, they’ve turned a modified truck and trailer into a two bedroom abode. Lauren’s blog, Sparkling Adventures, is a refreshing look at life on the road. Lauren’s story of appreciation can be read here.

Lisa Wood, David and four of their five boys travel and live in a Motorhome. In addition to travel stories from around Australia, Lisa’s blog offers honest reflections on living the simple life. To see more about their journey please connect with them at New Life on the Road. What follows are Lisa’s thoughts on appreciation.

Reflecting on Our New Way of Living

If you had of told me that I would be happy living in a Motorhome I would have said you were crazy! Yet here we are – a family of six living in a Motorhome!

But that was before we decided that we wanted a life that was simple. Something that was living outside of the box!

We live in a 9 metre Bus. An old school bus that was converted into a Motorhome around about 2000-2001…Since we have found out the history of our bus we now realise our life was meant to be this way.

Reflecting on our different lifestyle

Instead of wasting time living in a home that took up too much work we now have more time…

We now have time to create memories

We now have time to see experiences

We now have time for each other

What would we change if we had our life over again? There is plenty that we would do differently if we could change our life. There is one thing that we would do differently and that is living our simple lifestyle sooner rather than later!

We are so grateful that we are now able to live our life differently. We love that our Motorhome is our home, just on wheels. That saying “Your Heart is where your home is”…that is so very true! My heart is where ever our bus is parked!

Have you thought about living a simple lifestyle?


Filed under Travel With Kids